So finally February 22nd I flew home with an intermediate stop off for a couple of hours in Las Vegas to visit with my sister. Home and California were good to see again. I think I've had enough snow, sleet, blizzards and cold feet for one winter. So back to the grind of trying to catch up on all the accumulation since I left. Mary as usual did a monumental job of trying to handle all of Chevalier's usual business, plus the standing commercial shipments, the store sales I made on the trip, my personal finances, and finally the very considerable number of inquiries resulting from the various appearances made on the trip. All in all it was quite successful and, principally due to the fees paid by the two colleges, it was the first trip I ever made on which the greater part of the expenses were covered. This was also helped materially by donations from several sisters. These tokens of interest and participation are greatly appreciated.
Since TVia No. 1 I have made a practice of sharing my experiences, ideas, insights, theories and point of view with my readers. Hopefully some of them have proven helpful to new readers in the process of understanding and accepting themselves and possibly also to wives, parents or others trying to get the picture, too.
Naturally in the early issues when everything was new I dealt with the most obvious and pressing topics. Then, as the years went by, the editorials became more philosophical. Many of the early issues are, however, long out of print even though their message would be as relevant to the new reader of TVia today as it was 8 or 10 years ago. Thus an idea has occurred to me and I solicit the views of my readers in deciding whether it is any good.
Would it be a worthwhile investment, originally for me to publish it and secondarily for you to buy it, to bring out a book composed of a collection of the more important of these editorials as "Essays on Femmiphilia (Transvestism)" or whatever title seemed appropriate. Such a collection would naturally NOT include those articles which reported on trips, organizational matters, etc. It could, however, include some of the more instructive and helpful of the "Susanna Says" columns.
I would appreciate your comments on this idea both for and against and please "tell it like it is" and don't be concerned about my feelings or ego. I just want to know if this would be a service to FPs or not. Put your comment on a separate sheet from any order or letter that you may send so I can assemble the opinions without having to handle reams of paper.